Student self-administration
The residents have a say in Bugenhagen-Konvikt. They are organized in a student self-administration and take an active part in the life in this student residence. At least once a semester a general assembly is held where both the student comitee and the members of the various teams are being elected.
Three of the elected members of the student self-administration have voting rights in the board of trustees and can thus stimulate investments and represent student interests vis-à-vis the sponsoring association and the administration.
The elected representatives are also persons of contact for the residents and the administration.
Currently there are these teams:
- Prayer-Room-Team
- Bar-Team
- Garden-Team
- Welcome-Team
Additionally corridor meetings are held in the 11 floors at which the floor respresentatives are elected. The floor spokespersons not only organize everyday life cohabitation, but also play a key role in thinking up leisure and evening activities.